
Professional Habits

  • If you look around, there are way too many cringe-worthy habits people adopt to be labelled as professionals. A long conversation with them may make you stretch your patience to the extreme. Now, if you have been trying to build an assured image of a professional, you must know it is easy to fall into the trap and get carried away. Here are certain habits you must adopt to be professional and to be liked by anyone who matters.

    Make A Schedule And Follow It

    The first part of the advice is pretty easy and you must have implemented it a thousand times by now. It is only when you start acting on it that things go awry. Or maybe they don’t, and you just give up quite easily. ‘Giving up’ and ‘being professional’ can’t go hand in hand. You must create a workflow and follow with a considerable amount of perseverance, sticking to it even when things don’t seem to be heading in the direction you want them to. Set certain deadlines for yourself (realistic deadlines) and strive to complete your tasks before you reach them. If you have an ordered way of doing things, you will notice that many things would automatically fall in place.

    Be Honest

    When they said honesty is the best policy, they sure as hell meant it. Don’t confuse professionalism with hypocrisy, which is what many do. Nothing would be more appreciated than telling the truth upfront without being jittery. If you have an opinion, make it heard. If you want to flower it to make it more presentable, go ahead but don’t distort it.

    Be Reliable

    You have been assigned a job because you have the confidence of the person who has appointed you for completing it successfully. All you have to do is not let down that person or his confidence in you. When it comes to reliability, there has to be a wholehearted demonstration–an honest one at that.

    Be Strong Headed Without Being Irreverent

    If you are the one taking decisions and doling out orders, be sure enough in yourdecisions. Nothing charms people more than authority, but there has to be a fine line drawn between being authoritative and being prude. Don’t go overboard with your professionalism like there is no tomorrow. The best things always come in small and subtle packages.