Technology & Science

What is Nebulae?

A NEBULAE is a cloud of Dust and Gas inside galaxy. Nebulae become vissilble only if gas glows or cloud refelects starlight .Why nebulae shines because their gas emits light whenit is stimulated by a radiation from hot young stars. And it also called as Birth place of stars.

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A Massive Planet.

It is Fifth planet of our solar system, it is one of the largest planet with a diameter about 11 times that of earth and mass about 2.5 times the combined mass of the seven other planets.

Massive Stars!

Massive stars have a mass atleast THREE TIMES that of sun, some stars are massive about 50 suns. A massive star evolves in a similar way to a small star untill it reaches at particular stage.During its life as main sequence stars, it shines steadily until the hydrogen in its core has fused to form helium .

Neutron stars and Black Holes

Neutrons and Black Holes form from the stellar cores that remain after stars have exploded as Suernovae.Neutron stars are typically only about 10 kilometers in diameter and consist almost entirely of subatomic particles called Neutrons

Black hole caught grabbing a starry treat

A giant black hole has been caught with its hand in the proverbial cookie jar, in the earliest stages of ripping apart and consuming a star. On 28 March, NASA's Swift telescope detected several bright bursts of X-rays coming from a patch of the sky where no X-rays had been detected before.

The Sun

The sun is the star at center of solar system.It is about 5 Billion years old and ti will continue to shine as it does now for about another 5 billion years It is a yellow main sequence star about 1.4 Million Kilometres in diameter. Hydrogen Bomb concept is completely based on Sun's internal Process. On 28 March, NASA's Swift telescope detected several bright bursts of X-rays coming from a patch of the sky where no X-rays had been detected before.

Neutron stars and Black Holes

Neutrons and Black Holes form from the stellar cores that remain after stars have exploded as Suernovae.Neutron stars are typically only about 10 kilometers in diameter and consist almost entirely of subatomic particles called Neutrons

Our Solar System is Full of Huge Size Rocks

We may not know that our solar system contains both asteroids belt located are between mars and jupiter as well as smaller asteroids completely grouped in entire solar system some are nearly close to eath.

Is Pluto is a Planet?

Many people were shocked when the scientist announced that pluto is no longer considered to be a planet.Strangely enough that pluto's statushad been in queston for next 30 years.Also pluto is actually much smaller than you think.Its nearly 170 plutos could fill same space as the earth.

Jupiter has the biggest ocean of any plant

Orbiting in cold space five times farther from the sun than Earth, Jupiter retained much higer levels of hydrogen and helium when it formed than did our planet. In fact, Jupiter is mostly hydrogen and helium.Given the planets mass and chemical composition, physics demands the way down under the cold cloud tops, pressures rise to point that the hydrogen must trun to liquid .In fact there should be deep planetary ocean of liquid hydrogen.

Your Weight on other planets

To find what you would weigh in the gravitational field of another planet, multiply your weight on Earth times the gravitational factor:

EX: Consider if i weigh 90 pounds on Earth, On Mercury i would weigh: (Gravitational Pull on Mercury = 0.38)

90 Pounds × 0.38 = 34.2 Pounds

Your Age on other planets

To find your age according to the length of another planets year, divide your age in Earth years by period in revolution(in Earth years):

Ex: I am 20 years old , in mercury? (Period of revolutions of mercury[Compared to Earth] = 0.241 Earth Years)

20 years ÷ 164.8 = 0.12135 Years old