
Energy Drinks

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    It’s not a secret that energy drinks are not a healthy option to add a little boost in your day. They are loaded with chemicals and ingredients that are impossible to announce. Unfortunately, many people actually feel the benefits of added energy so they continue to consume these drinks.

    Each product, whether it’s Red Bull, Monster, Rock Star, etc. they each claim to be amazing and they are perfectly marketed to make people feel like they need it when their drowsy. However, it’s a fact that caffeine actually dehydrates the body, and dehydration causes fatigue and drowsiness. The best way to naturally keep your energy up is to drink lots of good old H2O.That’s right, water is the best and healthiest way to stay hydrated and energized.

    Natural fruit and vegetable juices are also an excellent source of energy from a beverage. The different is that it needs to be 100% natural juice, and not the artificially flavored or sweetened juices. V8 vegetable or fruit drinks are an excellent option on the go.

    If caffeine is really what you need, a natural form of caffeine is green tea. Now only will it give you a boost of energy, but green tea is full of natural antioxidants with health benefits in addition to energy. Coffee is another natural form of caffeine, however it has much more caffeine per serving than green tea.

    Before you reach for the can of Red Bull next time, remember that most energy from these canned beverages come from sugar and caffeine, not from the unnecessary ingredients you can’t pronounce. Also, the sugar in those drinks make them high in calories which could make you put on weight after a while. Ultimately, these energy drinks aren’t exactly harmful, but most just don’t live up to the claims made in marketing. Just think of these drinks as highly concentrated in sugar and caffeine, and proceed with caution.