
First Date

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    What Not to Wear On A First Date, The votes are in ladies, and it turns out guys really do care what you wear on your first date. This isn’t a way of saying to change your style or wardrobe completely, but there are a couple things guys don’t like to see with a first impression.

    Don’t show too much: Mini skirts, Daisy Dukes, short dresses or very low-cut shirts can honestly turn a guy off, because you’re probably drawing too much attention to yourself and to him. It’s nice to slowly reveal, and leave some things up to the imagination on your first date. If you dress too revealing, you can also send a message that you may be a little “easy,” which isn’t the goal on a first date.

    It’s Not Black Tie: Don’t wear anything too fancy on your first date, so try to consider what the plans are and dress accordingly. If you’re going to a football game, you can skip the party dress and big sparkly earrings.

    No Uggs allowed: As much as we love them, and would love to live in them, guys generally do not like the look of Uggs at all. Even married women will tell you their husbands don’t like their Uggs. It’s sad really, but just try to leave the Uggs at home on your first date.

    Avoid the Cake Face: Do not over-do it on the makeup. The foundation, powder, blush, bronzer, lashes, and eye shadow and all the rest can really turn a guy off. Although you may feel okay and happy with the way it looks, a lot of guys like women to wear less makeup. They still think you look pretty even without all the makeup caked on.

    No hat rule: No beanies, berets, baseball caps, cowboy hat … nothing. The truth is that your date really wants to see your face and skin. So don’t try to hide behind a big beach hat on a first date.

    Your date really wants to see you, meet you, get to know you, and they want you to be comfortable. Just not in Uggs. They like that you can show off your figure without being too revealing. The lesson from this is that dressing for a first date is actually a lot easier than women make it for themselves, so don’t stress over it next time.