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    Here are those people, who have hundreds of friends, but it brings us back to the cliché “quality over quantity,” and it is most certainly true. Someone with hundreds of friends may feel bountiful, but it’s likely they’re missing out on the special things that you get from five must-have friends.

    -->The “We go way back” friend: She’s been there since your first kiss on the playground, and when you egged someone’s house because he broke your heart; she knows it all. But she loves you for it, flaws and all, and she understands you better than anyone. This is the likely the reason your friendship has stood the test of time. Chances are you are this friend right back to her; an oldie but a goodie.

    -->Brutally Honest Friend: Sometimes the truth hurts and you have to hear it, but no one wants to deliver the bad news. These friends are precious, so keep them very close. This is your reality check, and this person means so much to you that you aren’t ever offended by the truths they tell. She may not always tell you what you want to hear, but it’s what you need to hear.

    -->The Party Animal: It’s okay if you have more than one of these friends, but everyone needs at least one. When the “glory days” of raging hangovers, walks of shame, and college fun are over, it’s too easy to fall into a boring spell of monotony. Your party animal friend will always swoop in and make you go have a good time to recharge the batteries and break the spell.

    Img -->Another Couple: This can be the biggest challenge when it comes to your social life as an adult. It is not very often that you and your mate will find another couple that you both really like to meet up with, double date, or even take a trip together. When you find one, it is import to NEVER lose it. The more the merrier is all the time other than your alone time. Too much alone time can make you long for a group outing. It’s nice to have that couple to call and say, “Lets go camping next weekend!” and of course, they’re in.

    -->Daydream Believer: Even if you’re the person strapped to reality, it is always entertaining, fascinating, and inspiring to have someone in your life that chases dreams all the time. They travel to all ends of the world, have crazy stories about swimming with dolphins in the wild, etc. This is “Dupree” from You, Me, and Dupree.At some point in time, it would be great for you to make the effort to go on an adventure with this person and experience something outside your reality bubble.

    Chances are you may already have these five friends, but if you don’t you should be on the lookout to fill the gap. If you’re the person with hundreds of friends you can identify these people, and if you can’t something is surely missing. Having these five types of friends in your life is incredibly fulfilling and you know you always have great friends to fall back on.